Discuss anime you've watched here.
Here are some simple rules:
Put the Anime you've watched before and put which episode you stopped there.
-You can have unlimited edits in this topic
-You can color your letters & numbers with any color you like
-You are allowed to copy others content but not allow for quoting
Here it goes: (Example only)
Fairy Tail (60) <- That means I've watched Fairy tail and stopped at episode 60
Naruto Shippuuden (416) <- That means I've watched Naruto and stopped at episode 416
and so forth...
If you have anything (only in this ropic) not understand, you can send a Private Message to me.
Here are some simple rules:
Put the Anime you've watched before and put which episode you stopped there.
-You can have unlimited edits in this topic
-You can color your letters & numbers with any color you like
-You are allowed to copy others content but not allow for quoting
Here it goes: (Example only)
Fairy Tail (60) <- That means I've watched Fairy tail and stopped at episode 60
Naruto Shippuuden (416) <- That means I've watched Naruto and stopped at episode 416
and so forth...
If you have anything (only in this ropic) not understand, you can send a Private Message to me.